Athena, Watercolor and Gouache on Cotton Rag Paper, 22x30 inches $660
This piece is part of my Interconnected Metamorphosis series. Athena is the Greek Warrior Goddess and protector of Athens, Greece. Her symbol is the Owl.

The Oranginian, Watercolor and Gouache on Cotton Rag Paper, 22x30 inches, $660
This piece is part of my Interconnected Metamorphosis series. “The Oranginian” is inspired my love the Orangina orange beverage which I first drank in Greece while studying there. I’m inspired by its colorful label. Moth’s are significant to me because they illustrate the Life/Death/Rebirth Cycle I saw in my own Near Death Experience. I also have a fondness for Black Cats and have adopted five black kittens which became my dearest companions and family.

Megálo Skylí Diamerismáton (Large Apartment Dog), Watercolor and Gouache on Cotton Rag Paper, 15x22 inches $320
This piece is part of my Interconnected Metamorphosis series. Megálo Skylí Diamerismáton (Large Apartment Dog)is inspired by a funny song my friend Travis made up while we were studying at in Athens, Greece.

Megálo Skylí Diamerismáton II (Large Apartment Dog), Watercolor and Gouache on Cotton Rag Paper, 15x22 inches, $320
This piece is part of my Interconnected Metamorphosis series. Megálo Skylí Diamerismáton II (Large Apartment Dog)is inspired by a funny song my friend Travis made up while we were studying at in Athens, Greece.

Aya, Watercolor and Gouache on Cotton Rag Paper, 16x20 inches, $320
This piece is part of my Interconnected Metamorphosis series. “Aya” is an Arabic feminine name meaning “wonderful”, “amazing” and “miracle”. In Hebrew names it means “to fly swiftly”.

Saint Sekhmet, Watercolor and Gouache on Cotton Rag Paper, 22x30 inches $660
This watercolor on paper is part of my series Interconnected Metamorphosis. “Sekhmet” is the Egyptian Warrior Goddess of the Afterlife. Moths are significant to me because they illustrate the Life/Death/Rebirth cycle in a way that humans can relate to.

Thálassa (Sea), Watercolor and Gouache on Cotton Rag Paper, 22x30 inches, $660
This piece is part of my Interconnected Metamorphosis series. I have a lot of love and found memories of my time in Greece, especially by the sea.

Saint Hathor, Watercolor and Gouache on Cotton Rag Paper, 15x11 inches, $165
This piece is part of my Interconnected Metamorphosis series. Hathor is the Egyptian Sky Goddess and Mother who helps the deceased to the Afterlife. Moths are significant to me because they illustrate the LIfe/Death/Rebirth Cycle in a way humans can understand.

The Mycenaean , Watercolor and Gouache on Cotton Rag Paper, 49x42 inches, $2,000
This piece is part of my Interconnected Metamorphosis series. The Mycenaeans lived in the northeast Peloponnese of Greece during the Bronze Age(1250 BC). They constructed megalith structures including gates and Tholos(beehive) Tombs. One such Tomb is believed to have belonged to King Agamemnon near the Lion Gate in Argolis, Greece. This Lion Gate was the main entrance of Mycenae in southern Greece and depicted a relief sculpture of two Lionesses. I was awed by both of these structures and this piece is inspired by them. The Mask of Agamemnon is a gorgeous Death Mask piece made of gold and placed on his Tomb. In my piece, I have substituted the Lionesses for a Lion inspired by our family dog Ben whom I swear was a mighty Lion when viewing him from the height of a little girl. He has thrown off his Death Mask and is now soaring over the oceans with wings in his new life after death.

The Athenians and the Necklace of Raindrops, Watercolor and Gouache on Cotton Rag Paper, 49x42 inches, $2,000
This piece is part of my Interconnected Metamorphosis series. It is inspired by one of my favorite Children’s books, A Necklace of Raindrops by Joan Aiken and illustrated by Jan Pienkowski. It shows sister Athenian Owls with their babies flying over a cross section of ocean in which we can view sunken treasure of an urn and coins from Ancient Greece.

The Ionian, Watercolor and Gouache on Cotton Rag Paper, 43x42 inches $1,800
This piece is part of my Interconnected Metamorphosis series. Ionia is an Ancient region on the Central part of the Western coast of Anatolia in present day Turkey nearest Izmir. I have a lot of love and fond memories of my time in Greece, especially by the sea. After my dear 17 year old cat Tobias died, I adopted a kitten who was born within days of his death. I named her “Ione”. In Greek Mythology “Ione” was one of the Haliad Water Nymphs who are the daughters of of the children of Nereus. In my own Near Death Experience, I saw how everyone and everything is connected with glowing energy and that there is a whole other life and love waiting after human death. I’ve illustrated this in the rings coming from the Olive Tree roots and branches which are connected to the stars. Moths are significant to me because they illustrate the Life/Death/Rebirth cycle in a way that humans can relate to.

The Minoan, Watercolor and Gouache on Cotton Rag Paper, 44x42 inches, $1,800
This piece is part of my Interconnected Metamorphosis series. The Minoans were a Bronze Age Aegean Civilization on the island of Crete and other Aegean islands beginning in 3500 BC. I love the ruins of the Palace of Knossos. This palace was painted with stylized paintings of people, animals and the daily life of the Minoans. Their use of bright color and design has greatly influenced by own art. Moths are significant to me because they illustrate the Life/Death/Rebirth Cycle in a way human’s can understand. I find the Predator Designs on Moths to be so interesting. To these designs I have added my own version of a Minoan stylized eye. In the natural wing design of this moth I saw my Mother’s EKG while she was in hospital. This design is also a mountain range. Together they show how we are all interconnected.

Pénte (Five), Watercolor and Gouache on Cotton Rag Paper, 43x58 inches, $2,000
This piece is part of my Interconnected Metamorphosis series. Pénte means five in Greek. This piece is inspired by my time going to school at College Year in Athens in Athens, Greece. My Mom died two years ago and I wanted to depict her as the heart of our family in a strong and beautiful blue(her favorite color) Owl. The other moths and scarab beetles are my Sisters and Dad. I feel connected to her through all the beauty in Nature.

Moth Mother, Watercolor and Gouache on Cotton Rag Paper, 54x38 inches, $2,050
This piece is part of my Interconnected Metamorphosis series. It depicts my feelings that death is not the end. It is a part of moving on to another life that I saw during my own Near Death Experience. I also saw how everything and everyone is connected in Nature. This painting is what I see when I think of my Mom’s death two years ago. Watching her EKG in the hospital, I saw the designs on a moth’s wings. I see death as a metamorphosis from one state of life to the next. This gives me comfort because it means our loved ones are never gone. They have just shifted into a different energy. I wanted to illustrate this so others can feel that comfort.

Mikró Spitáki Gáta (Small House Cat), Watercolor and Gouache on Cotton Rag Paper, 7.5x11.4 inches, $85
This piece is part of my Interconnected Metamorphosis series.Mikró Spitáki Gáta (Small House Cat) is inspired by a funny song my friend Travis made up while we were studying in Athens, Greece.

Mikró Spitáki Gáta II (Small House Cat), Watercolor and Gouache on Cotton Rag Paper, 7.5x11.4 inches $85
This piece is part of my Interconnected Metamorphosis series. Mikró Spitáki Gáta II (Small House Cat) is inspired by a funny song my friend Travis made up while we were studying at in Athens, Greece.

Saint Demeter, Watercolor and Gouache on Cotton Rag Paper, 22x30 inches, $660
This piece is part of my Interconnected Metamorphosis series. Demeter is the Greek Goddess of the Harvest. Her daughter is Persephone, the Goddess of Spring and renewal. Moths are significant to me because they illustrate the Life/Death/Rebirth Cycle I saw in my own Near Death Experience in a way that human’s can understand. I’m also fascinated by the protective markings that occur on moths. This one was inspired by the Death’s-Head Hawkmoth.

Saint Persephone, Watercolor and Gouache on Cotton Rag Paper, 15x11 inches, $165
This piece is part of my Interconnected Metamorphosis series. Persephone is the is the Greek Goddess of Spring and Renewal. Her Mother, Demeter, is the Greek Goddess of the Harvest. Moths are significant to me because they illustrate the Life/Death/Rebirth Cycle I saw in my own Near Death Experience in a way that human’s can understand. I’m also fascinated by the protective markings that occur on moths. This one was inspired by the Death’s-Head Hawkmoth.

Saint Nyx, Watercolor and Gouache on Cotton Rag Paper, 11.4x7.5 inches, $85
This piece is part of my Interconnected Metamorphosis series. Nyx is the Greek Goddess of the Night. Moths are significant to me because they illustrate the Life/Death/Rebirth Cycle I saw in my own Near Death Experience in a way that human’s can understand. I’m also fascinated by the protective markings that occur on moths. This one was inspired by the Death’s-Head Hawkmoth.

Saint Selene, Watercolor and Gouache on Cotton Rag Paper, 22.5x15 inches, $320
This piece is part of my Interconnected Metamorphosis series. Selene is the Greek Goddess of the Moon. Moths are significant to me because they illustrate the Life/Death/Rebirth Cycle I saw in my own Near Death Experience in a way that human’s can understand. One of my favorite moths is the Luna Moth.

Saint Nuit, Watercolor and Gouache on Cotton Rag Paper, 11x15 inches, $165
This piece is part of my Interconnected Metamorphosis series. “Nuit” means Night in French. “Nuit” or “Nut” is the Egyptian Goddess of the Sky, Stars, Cosmos, Mothers and Astronomy. Moths have significance to me because they illustrate the Life/Death/Rebirth Cycle I saw in my own Near Death Experience in way human’s can understand. One of my favorite moths is the Spanish Moon Moth.

Gothic Cat, Watercolor and Gouache on Cotton Rag Paper, 15x22.5 inches, $320
This piece is part of my Interconnected Metamorphosis series. “Gothic Cat” is inspired by my travels in England and especially the Gothic art, jewelry and architecture found there.

Gothic Cat II, Watercolor and Gouache on Cotton Rag Paper, 15x22.5 inches, $320
This piece is part of my Interconnected Metamorphosis series. “Gothic Cat” is inspired by my travels in England and especially the Gothic art, jewelry and architecture found there.

Royal Dog, Watercolor and Gouache on Cotton Rag Paper, 22.5x15 inches, $320
This piece is part of my Interconnected Metamorphosis series. “Royal Dog” is inspired by my travels in England and especially the Gothic art, jewelry and architecture found there.

Royal Dog II, Watercolor and Gouache on Cotton Rag Paper, 22.5x15 inches, $320
This piece is part of my Interconnected Metamorphosis series. “Royal Dog II” is inspired by my travels in England and especially the Gothic art, jewelry and architecture found there.

Queen Lynn , Watercolor and Gouache on Cotton Rag Paper, 22.5x15 inches, $320
This piece is part of my Interconnected Metamorphosis series. “Queen Lynn” is one of several Doe Queens of the Forest.

Queen Dianne, Watercolor and Gouache on Cotton Rag Paper, 22.5x15 inches, $320
This piece is part of my Interconnected Metamorphosis series. “Queen Dianne” is one of several Doe Queens of the Forest.

Annie's Scarab Watercolor and Gouache on Cotton Rag Paper 16x20 inches $320
This piece is part of my Interconnected Metamorphosis series. It was inspired by Egyptian Scarab Beetle art that represents the Life/Death/Rebirth Cycle I saw in my own Near Death Experience. After my Mom died 2 years ago, I had a dream where I was crying and asking her when I would stop crying and being so sad. She said that my tears were the sign of “A Great Love” which she symbolized with a flaming heart pierced by an arrow. She said that we all get wounded in love, but that is OK because it is part of the cycle of loving someone. She also said not to worry about my tears because they were part of the cycle too. They put out the flames of love now and then to cool things off and start the cycle again. Seeing this is a great comfort to me and I wanted to share it with other.

This piece is part of my Interconnected Metamorphosis series. It was inspired by Egyptian Scarab Beetle art that represents the Life/Death/Rebirth Cycle I saw in my own Near Death Experience. After my Mom died 2 years ago, I had a dream where I was crying and asking her when I would stop crying and being so sad. She said that my tears were the sign of “A Great Love” which she symbolized with a flaming heart pierced by an arrow. She said that we all get wounded in love, but that is OK because it is part of the cycle of loving someone. She also said not to worry about my tears because they were part of the cycle too. They put out the flames of love now and then to cool things off and start the cycle again. In my Near Death Experience, I saw how everything and everyone is related which I illustrated with the stars, sea, moon connection. Seeing this is a great comfort to me and I wanted to share it with other.

Polychromo Poulí (Colorful Bird), Watercolor and Gouache on Cotton Rag Paper, 15x11 inches, $165
This piece is part of my Interconnected Metamorphosis series. “Polychromo Poulí” means “Colorful Bird” is Greek.

Polychromo Poulí II (Colorful Bird), Watercolor and Gouache on Cotton Rag Paper, 15x11 inches, $165
This piece is part of my Interconnected Metamorphosis series.“Polychromo Poulí” means “Colorful Bird” is Greek.

Polychromo Poulí III (Colorful Bird), Watercolor and Gouache on Cotton Rag Paper, 15x11 inches, $165
This piece is part of my Interconnected Metamorphosis series. “Polychromo Poulí” means “Colorful Bird” is Greek.
Interconnected, Watercolor and Gouache on Cotton Rag Paper, 44x10 inches, $320
This piece is part of my Interconnected Metamorphosis series. “Interconnected” is inspired by own Near Death Experience in which I saw how everything and everyone is connected.

Solar Stripe, Watercolor and Gouache on Cotton Rag Paper, 16x20 inches, $320
This piece is part of my Interconnected Metamorphosis series. “Solar Stripe” is inspired by a favorite Speedo Swim Team Suit that my sister wore in the 1980s. Moths are significant to me because they illustrate the Life/Death/Rebirth Cycle I saw in my own Near Death Experience.

Saint Qamar, Watercolor and Gouache on Cotton Rag Paper, 22x30 inches, $660
This piece is part of my Interconnected Metamorphosis series. Qamar” is an Arabic name for both boys and girls which means “Moon”. Moths are significant to me because they illustrate the Life/Death/Rebirth cycle in a way that humans can relate to.